recently published & forthcoming

American Graphic
by JoAnne McFarland

The Dream of Apples: Selected Poems of
Federico García Lorca
(tr. by Rebecca Seiferle)

Dominion + Selected Poems by Dennis Hinrichsen

poems by Bruce Bond, photos by Walter Cochran-Bond

featured poet

JoAnne McFarland is a multidisciplinary artist, writer, and curator. She is the Artistic Director of Artpoetica Project Space in Gowanus, Brooklyn. Her poetry collections include A Domestic Lookbook and Pullman (Grid Books), Identifying the Body and the digital album Tracks of My Tears (the Word Works), and Acid Rain (Willow Books). American Graphic, recipient of the Wishing Jewel Prize for poetic innovation, is forthcoming from Green Linden Press in December. Read an excerpt in Issue 18.

Interview with H.L. Hix
on American Outrage

Interview with Subhaga Crystal Bacon on Transitory

In Conversation
Karla Kelsey and Brian Teare

Interview with Todd Davis
on ditch memory


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ISSN 2472-338X
© 2024